
21 November 2010

You Are all Invited to my Wedding

Usually it is the bride's job to plan and carry out all wedding plans since she is the one who actually cares about what a wedding looks/smells/feels/tastes like. While the bride is making decisions which caterer to hire and whether or not to have live music, the groom is playing golf with his future Father-in-law and making a reservation at the Motel 6 closest to the wedding venue.
Unfortunately, my future wife has no time to plan a wedding. Also, her husband might get suspicious if he finds her looking at different flower/color combinations for the centerpieces. Because let's just face it, when you're Zooey Deschanel there isn't much time for anything.

Which is fine, because I don't mind planning a wedding, in fact I kind of want to. I have already made most of the important decisions:

Wedding Location: Forest Lawn Memorial Chapel. (sure it's kind of creepy, but there's plenty of parking and they gave me a fantastic rate.)

Reception Location: Mike's apartment. (he just got a Wii)

Colors: Dodger blue and Mustard yellow

Music: a mix tape I found in my grandpa's car titled: "Sweet Jamz"

First dance song: "The Christmas Shoes" by NewSong.

There won't be any need to hire a photographer to take pictures, becuase I've already made my own:

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