
23 June 2010

This one's for posterity

An embarrassing thing happened to me one time when I was hanging out with some of my friends(real ones), and we were on youtube. We were doing that thing where everybody shows their favorite/funny videos and what not, and I showed one that the last time I had watched it, it was hilarious, but when I showed my friends, it wasn't funny at all and they got mad at me for making them watch it. This was puzzling, becasue the first time I had watched it I almost pee'd my pants I thought it was so funny, but this time I didn't even laugh.
Then I realized that the first time I had watched it, it was 2 o'clock in the morning. I hadn't slept in like 20 hours and I was so loopy that the stupidest things were funny to me.

Kind of like now.
It is 2 o'clock in the morning and I guarentee that the video I just watched isn't going to be funny tomorrow. I'm on what I like to call a "sleep deprivation high". I'm in an extremely pleasant mood even though I haven't slept in a long time and I feel whimsical, light hearted, and good natured. If you were trying to get me to donate to your charity, now would be a good time to call, I'd probably give you all I had...not really, I'd pretend to give you all I had, and in reality, give you monopoly money. tehe!

Earlier today I went to the hardware store and I was standing in line at the checkout and as she was ringing him up, the cashier asked the old guy in front of me if he wanted any Ant Bait, and the guy all serious faced says, "No, thanks, I'm trying to quit the stuff." I thought it was the funniest comeback ever and I lol'ed, but the cashier didn't even react, she just kept on scanning items. Art is lost on the youth these days. I wanted to shake the man's hand and ask him to be my father but he got away before I could reach him.

The real reason I'm not asleep is because I was trying to take a nap earlier when I saw a spider run across my comforter. Before I could kill it, it got away and I have no idea where the blasted thing went, so I won't be sleeping in my bed for a couple days. Oh well.

Bands and writers always have their music or books that they wrote while they were on drugs, and I guess this post is the closest I'll come to doing something like that. If I actually were on drugs I'd probably write something like this:

poop ha ha hahahahahahahahahaha poop.

07 June 2010

The Day Mcgruff the Crime Dog Was Taken Out Back and Shot

I am sorry to say that today's youth has been corrupted beyond hope. I draw this conclusion from my everyday observances. The other day I was in taco bell waiting for my order to be ready when I spied two young girls, about 11 years old, standing by the counter. I looked as they asked the guy standing there for water cups. At first I applauded their decision to stay hydrated, becasue Lord knows that if there is a problem among today's youth, it is improper hydration. Lord also knows that if there is another problem among today's youth, it's stealing...which is exactly what these girls did. I couldn't help but overhear the conversation that they had once they reached the soda machine with their cups.

Theif 1: "Just do it Sarah"
Theif 2: "I'm not so sure Claire."
Thefi 1: "Quick, no one's looking."

I was looking.

I was looking as they both filled their free water cups, not with water, no, with Mountain Dew. I am fully aware of my authority as a citizen to make a citizens arrest, it is one of the activities on my list of things to do before I die, but I was too shocked by what I had just seen to do anything. Two seemingly innocent young girls committing theivery in broad daylight. I watched in disgust as they snapped lids on their cups and hastily made their way out the door. My heart ached for these two children who had strayed from the path of innocence. Today it was soda, tomorrow it's a bank.
I only wish I could have intervened before these girls made a decision that would haunt them for the rest of their lives. I have no other reason for writing this than to lament the loss of a generation and the pain that I feel for not doing something to bring goodness into these girls hearts. We must educate our children that stealing is wrong and will not be tolerated. I suggest we find Sarah and Claire and make examples of them and their unrepentant souls. It was only 8 oz. of Mountain Dew, but it caused infinity oz. of regret.

R.I.P the innocence of children.

I feel like Holden Caulfield.

03 June 2010

Cast of Characters

Just like any play or movie, my life has a wide range of characters, all of whom play a different part in my ongoing saga as a struggling student with a dream of one day having a dream to fufill.(in the words of great-grandam Jones(r.i.p.), "You probably weren't good enough anyway")
I've decided to write up a cast list of these characters sand tell you a little about each one:

Floyd Pope Walters III-
My father, and yes, that is his real name. He is a very light sleeper and is quick with a story to relate to the current situation. He grew up in the middle of nowhere in California. His favorite activities include being a mortgage broker and sitting in the armchair next to the lamp, hoping that I miss curfeww so he can scold me.

Diana Walters-
Mom. She was born and raised in Argentina. She has an accent and makes good food. Her activities include scratching my back and tucking me in.

Veralden is the short hand for my sister Veronica and her husband Alden. Alden is bad at video games and chess and thinks he can steal my mother's love. Veronica just sort of sits there. It's almost embarrasing how much better than Alden I am at everything. They currently live in Utah.

The rest of my siblings:
There's 3 of them. Two girls and a guy. The guy, Seth, speaks chinese and is in Austrailia right now. Meh.

Jeff Facer-
I support him in all he does and he supports me. We have none of the same interests but we've been friends for a long time. And by friends I mean I want to be his friend. Please Jeff. Give me a chance. His activities include shredding hardcore and musical theatre.

She has a blog too. It's pretty good. She is very nice and sleeps a lot. I think she is good at singning but i have never heard her sing alone. She is very loyal, like the dog Chance, in "Homeward Bound". Great movie. I recommend it.

John Potter-
This guy. He wrote a novel. I plan on riding the coat tails of his success. He is always on my team when we play army men.

Saige Miley-
I just met her, but something tells me that it's just the beginning of a long aquaintanceship. Ouch. I bet that hurt Saige, I bet that hurt real bad. Just kidding...friendship. she is nice. Her activities inlcude...I'm not sure what, I haven't known her that long. Hopefully it's nothing creepy like fetus worship or smoking crack, cause then I wouldn't be her friend.

Harry Potter-
I got through Middle school by reading Harry Potter and eating ice cream.

The guy living in my brain-
get out. GEEEEETTTTTT OUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!! Stop telling me I suck and have man breasts, because for your information I don't!!!!!!

I forgot the mention a lot of people. I'm sorry. To be honest, this was just a ploy to satisfy one of my friends request for a blog post about them. I'll let you guess which one it was. I promise something better next time.

The End