Three months ago La Canada was on fire. This was a drag mostly because I wasn't allowed to enter my own house and I smelled like an illegal immigrant's dog(have you ever actually smelled one!?!?!?), but some good did come out of it as a matter of fact. School was supposed to start on August 31st but, due to the gym being used as an evac center and the cancer causing levels of smoke in the air, school was postponed.(Dear School board, Heed God's warning and don't try to pull this "starting in August" stuff again. He's less forgiving the second time, just ask the Israelites.) So i had an extra day that i wasn't planning on and needless to say I didn't really have anything to do. I was driving around town with my sister Cristina and the thought popped into my head that i should go and see a movie. I hadn't been to the movies in a while and I wanted to see one that had just come out. Cristina didn't want to go so I dropped her off at Starbucks and made my way to the Cinema to see "Julie & Julia". First of all let's get over the fact that I went by myself and the fact that the movie I chose to see was "Julie & Julia" and get right to the point. This movie inspired me, as stated above, to write a blog but in a life as unexciting as mine there isn't much to write about.
Then I found this:

It was fate! This is so perfect, I said to myself. This is my chance to really make my mark, to fill the empty space in my life. Just as Julie cooked a bunch of crap I'm going to experiment a bunch of crap. Is it coincidence that there are 365 experiments in this book, which also happens to be how many days there are in a year? I think not. This book is screaming "Do my experiments! and then blog about it!" I'm calling it the Jacob/Churchill/Loesching/Mandell Project since those are the names of the Authors. I realize that in order to make this the most exciting I should do one a day but that' s just not humanly possible so be prepared to get lied to. I'm thinking the start date will be December 1st. I'll recap all the experiments I do at the end of each week. A personal challenge like this on is unprecedented. This almost rivals my triumph of not pooping for an entire week but that is a completely different/painful /true story.
As a side note, these experiments will come in handy when I make my venture into elementary education after retiring from profesional homlessness (a long time dream of mine).
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