
11 April 2010

You say tomato, I say shut up.

Everybody has somebody that they want to punch in the face. For me, it used to be the majority of people that I met. I would skirt the hallway sides with silent malice for my peers quietly seething through my body. "I hate that kid" was a common utterance on my part, even for people that I had no reason to hate. I could hate somebody for anything.

When that one asian kid would run to the cafeteria to be first in line: "I hate that kid"
When that one guy tried to be funny in History: "I hate that kid"
When that one guy read books 24/7, I'm not even kidding, he was constantly reading, I never ever saw him not reading a book: "I hate that kid"
When that one relly nice girl said hi to me: "I hate that kid"

I was a bucket full of hate drawn from the well of misery and spite.

Then one day I realized that I had very few friends.

I said to myself: "Self, what's the point?"

I was letting the smallest of things bother me and as a result I was creating my own, unneccessary, misery. I couldn't expect to keep friends and continue being extremely bitter. It is a formula that doesn't work. So that is why I decided to change my ways. People who in the past I would have hated, I know have indifference for. So what if people want to talk really loud in an enclosed space? And who cares that certain people make you want to kill yourself? It's better for everyone to just ignore them. Cause you never know whose gonna have a metaphorical* gun to your head later in life, and it's always helpful to be on the weilder's good side. Unless of course they have wronged you in unforgivable ways.**

**Eddy Curtis, 3rd grade. I will never forget.

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