
18 March 2010

More like Wiki-speed-ia.

Of all the injustices that I have been served with during my attendance at public school, the worst one is not being allowed to use Wikipedia as a source for research. I don't think my teachers understand how much the quality of my work would incerease if I could just cite the bastion of knowledge that is the wiki-verse. My research papers would be done in ten minutes if Wikipedia were allowed. My time after school is spent like this:
20% -napping
15%- staring at the wall
40%- Wikipedia

As you can see from the, I guess you could call it a chart, above, the majority of my time is spent on Wikipedia. I will literally go onto wikipedia and search for random things that I want to know more about. For instance, today I looked up "the two dollar bill" and the plots of all the "Saw" movies cause I wanted to know what they were about but didn't want to actually watch them. EVERYthing is on wikipedia. It is the one stop shop for fun facts and a bioggraphy on Chris Farley. Whenever I watch a movie and don't understand the plot, I'm ok with it because I know I can just go onto wikipedia afterward and read the plot synopsis. Just the other day I ruined the ending of "American History X" for myself because at the last comercial break I went onto Wikipedia and looked it up. And you know what? What wikipedia said would happen is exactly what happened! Not credible! HA! If it wasn't credible then how did it correctly relay the ending of a hit film hmmmm?

Basically my point is that because I can't use wikipedia as a source I am procrastinating my reasearch paper by writing this blog post. I'm also not doing the laundry I need for tomorrow, but that's because I'm a little bit afraid of the washing machine. It makes weird noises and it's dark in the garage and the cat sometimes scratches me when I go in there and it just puts a lot of stress on me when I'm trying to wash clothes and my leg is bleeding and I cant see anything cause it's dark and I end up putting milk in the washer instead of detergent and my mom gets mad at me and yells in spanish and I go to my room and I try to take a nap but then I remember that I have a reasearch paper due so I go on the computer and just end up on wikipedia learning how the show "Boston Legal"* was conceptualized.

*worst show ever created.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA JACOB I REALLY ENJOY YOU. particularly that very long run on sentence at the end. But my 2 main observations were: 1. You should spend more time on wikipedia & 2. You forgot about the % of time you spend on urban dictionary.
