I have never been really good at making friends, I suppose this blog has been a way for people to maybe relate to me and hopefully like me without us ever having to carry out an actual conversation. I can be sort of accusatory when I meet someone new. Like I'm suspicious of why they want to be my friend and as a result I scowl a lot and ask weird questions. This evening I got a friend request on Facebook from someone who still goes to my old high school. I didn't know who the person was but I accepted the request anyway. I did this for multiple reasons, them being:
1. I have a kind heart
2. The more friends I have on Facebook the more better I feel about myself
2a. yes it's shallow, but don't lie to yourself you feel the same way.
2b. shove it grammar police
3. I was flattered that someone I didn't know wanted to be my friend on Facebook and possibly real life.
4. The more friends I have on Facebook the more potential readers there are for this blog
4a. You are my friend for reading this
4a1. Unless your name is Richard. Then I hate you.
5. I am terribly lonely.
So I decided to try this friendship out. The kids name was Kevin. I wrote on his wall and basically said the same things that I outlined above. After about five minutes though my post disappeared and I thought he had deleted it. So I sort of accosted him on Facebook chat and probably ruined any chance at an actual friendship:
- Kevin NewFriend
- What?
- What did you post on my wall?
- i like wrote a whole paragraph on your wall
- and now its gone
- Kevin NewFriend
- What did it say
- i was just saying i looked forward to our friendship
- and i asked if you respected your date at homecoming
- Kevin NewFriend
- Oh...cool, me too
- well did you?
- Kevin NewFriend
- Delete it?
- No
- no did you respect you date
- Kevin NewFriend
- Date....
- to homecoming
- Kevin NewFriend
- Yes I did
- hey thats great!
- Kevin NewFriend
- Ya it was fun
- good good
- you keepin up in your studies?
- Kevin NewFriend
- Yup...are you
- duhh
- im in college
- it means im smart
- how do you know me anyway
- why did you add me
- Kevin NewFriend
- I'm in first ward
- oh shoot youre mormon
- Kevin NewFriend
- Haha ya
- thats cool
- are you new
- Kevin NewFriend
- Not really
- hmm well
- are you a freshman
- Kevin NewFriend
- Sophomore
- riiiigghttt
- Kevin NewFriend
- Ya I'm gonna go.....
- ok
- bye
But I really do want to be his friend.
P.S. if you post a link to this blog on your Facebook I will add you to a list of Platinum Donors on the About page. If you tweet out a link I'll give you a piggy-back ride, but you don't have to accept it if that makes you uncomfortable.
P.P.S. I totes got Kevin's permission to post our conversation. Not that I didn't think about posting it without asking. Journalistic integrity.
That conversation is pretty great