
17 October 2010

Fat Kids Hate Running

Think back to a time when you didn't have stress in your life. For me, that time was never. Because even as a baby there was always something to worry about. Like, what if mother forgets to feed me? or What if I poop my pants?(which is something I did like everyday) or even, What if I get sold to a homeless man? All of them are legitimate worries that progressed into even more legitimate worries as I got older.

When I was in fourth grade there was nothing that I feared more than the timed Mile-run test in P.E. It was a death sentence on my poorly shaped body and I really didn't want to have anything to do with it, but the State demanded that I participate so I had no choice. As the date of the test approached I began to get more and more stressed out and began praying harder and harder that I wouldn't have to do it.

The day of the test came.

And it was raining.

We were informed that the test had to be postponed until the next day and I was so happy. Until I realized that the next day would be coming very soon and the dread once again set into my stomach.

The day of the test came again.

And so did a forest fire.

The bad air quality made it unsuitable for running therebye further postponing the test and solidifying my belief in God.

The test literally got postponed 4 times for different reasons and it turns out that it wasn't such a good thing because my stress level just continued rising until I was on the verge of an emotional break-down.

Finally the day came when I had to run. I began the test with low spirits and finished 16 minutes later with even lower ones. There is nothing more embarrasing than coming nearly last in front of your peers. Nothing except farting in the face of the girl holding your feet during the sit-up portion of the fitness test.

I will never forget the look on that poor girl's face.

I am so sorry.



  2. I know this is super random since i probably haven't talked to you since 6th grade, but PE made/scarred my upper grade years at mountain. Ms. Gallagher...oh my. that lady scared the pewp out of me...although the presidential fitness tests boosted my self-esteem. boy, did i like my snazzy patches.

  3. mrs gallager talks id third person
