I was educated on Tuesday in a way that I really rather would not have been. I was walking to lunch when I was subjected to see a male classmate wearing a skirt. Besides the obvious offense to my eyes, there was a twinge of anger and disdain deep down inside of me, completely unrelated to my bigotry and homophobia. My question was why? Why would anybody ever do this outside of rampant homosexuality? (Because as it turns out, this guy isn't gay...at least not officially).
I had the questions and I wanted answers. After inquiring, it was revealed that the senior high school student, we'll call him Chaz, was wearing the skirt to make a point to the oppressive school administration. He was standing up for a student in Texas who was expelled for wearing a skirt to school and refusing to take it off when prompted to do so by school officials.(Note: a quick google search yielded no results for such a news story, http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF8&rlz=1T4HPNN_en___US209&q=boy+in+texas+expelled+for+wearing+skirt+to+school but hey, who am I to rain on Chaz's fight the power parade?) His point was that he should be able to wear a skirt to school and they shouldn't be allowed to tell him to take it off.
We asked Chaz if any of the teachers had told him to take the skirt off and he said no. Turns out he's not as oppressed as he had hoped. But don't worry Chaz! Your courage to stand up for what is right really struck an emotional chord deep within me...let's fight for our skirtless brothers everywhere!
Oh my goodness, just when I thought I couldn't see anything that makes me lose faith in my fellow adolescents even more this has to happen. Let's look at the issues that we youth are most concerened about in this day and age:
1. Shoeless children in Africa-luckily there is a trendy way to fix this one
2. Healthcare-Thank goodness Jesus is the president (Did you know that Jesus is black? weird.)
3.Oppression- Let's all wear skirts to school! That'll show em.
Why can't some kid come to school and stand up for something legitimate, because in all honesty, who gives a crap about some jerk in Texas who got expelled for wearing a friggen skirt? I sure don't. He should have just sucked up whatever manhood he had left,(it's unlikely that he had any) and changed out of the skirt. I can say without a single reservation or hesitation that the world is not a better place because of you Chaz. You should go fight for your right to wear your skirt in Iran where they won't tell you to take it off, they'll just stone you. But thanks for you unwavering courage anyway...psych.
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