
23 September 2011

Be Excellent to Each Other

I'm somewhere in between the feelings of a gushingly loved puppy and the feral cat that lives behind Arby's and is missing an eye.

And I'm so confused because what is that even supposed to feel like?

Emotions are so ambiguous. I don't think I'm using that word right but really, it's whatever.

Wait time out, what am I doing? I don't want to talk about emotions on here.

That's why angsty teenage girls have blogs.

I was in math class, and my teacher is such a PERV!!!!!!!! He totally looks down girls shirts!!! BLECHHH ANYWAY Darryl looked at me and then he was like "Hey Bindi those shoes are cute." EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT then Maria, that skank, said "ugh gag me with a spoon, those shoes are cute for a clown maybe" Gosh she is so ANNOYING she just isn't over the fact that Darryl isn't going to ask her to the Halloween dance cause everyone knows that she's been to second base with like 8 different guys, like get over yourself???!!??!??! srsly!!!

Ok well you know what Bindi? Why don't we just kill Maria? Just look at a timeline of what happened and you'll realize that this is the most viable option to put an end to Maria's totally poisonous attitude:

Darryl gives compliment to Bindi in math class---------->Maria overhears compliment--------->Maria's insecurities begin stirring deep within her, deep down she knows she's a skank and this makes her feel undervalued-------------->In an attempt to compensate for said insecurities Maria makes a derogatory remark regarding the compliment offered up by Darryl. Interesting enough, a popular slang term from the late 80's and early 90's is used despite the current setting being late 2011---------> Bindi's feelings are hurt by Maria's comment. (even if it is a little true)-------------> Bindi harbors feelings of resentment and anger towards Maria until she gets home and writes about it on the blog that only her mother and the math teacher, Mr. K, who she is unaware is stalking her, reads .---------------> Those feelings of anger and resentment continue to fester and incubate within Bindi for the next year and a half------------> she continues to blog about how hard life is as an upper middle class, white teenager.

So how should Bindi have handled this situation? Let's weigh her options:

Option 1:
Blog about it.

1. Nothing happens.
2. Feelings of insecurity and anger continue.

Option 2:
Kill Maria

1. Maria is no longer capable of making rude comments.
     1a. Stipulation:  She may come back as a ghost.
2. Depending on how good a job Bindi does at covering her tracks there may or may not be legal action
     2a. If convicted, Bindi is tried as an adult and spends the rest of her life in a high security women's penitentiary, and possibly becomes a lesbian.
     2b. If not convicted, Bindi  most likely goes on the lam, finding refuge in Mr. K's garage. He's actually less creepy when you get to know him. At least that's what his Facebook says.
3. Feelings of insecurity and anger continue because despite killing her, Maria was able to gasp "That blouse make you look fat" with her dying breathes.

As the analysis indicates, there is no sure way to get over what Maria said in math class.

Unless of course, you just ignore it.

That's hard though. Even I understand that, because no matter how much of a joke that negative comment was meant to be, it still stings. For some it stings just the tiniest little bit but for others its a harpoon directly in the face.

Why can't we just be excellent to each other?

I'm hardly a good advocate for this subject. Heaven knows I'm more than guilty of negative commentary and not so silent judgements regarding my fellow human beings.

I'm just recognizing that it's wrong. Which is the first step to changing...right?

I don't know, I'm just, eh, uh yeahm ummm uhhhhhh


16 September 2011


Mine and Brent's video

I hope you like it?